Frequently Asked Questions
How are your programs any different from any of the others I have tried?
This should be the most important question you ask. The diet and fitness industry is worth many billions of dollars. There is a reason for that. It is self-sustaining - meaning it is set up to create repeat customers. That is the opposite of what I want for you. I just want you to be the best version of yourself that you can be. I want this to be the very last time you need to “figure it out.” Let me, with my quarter century of failed dieting, my education, and my thousands of hours of proper scientific research – not to mention the success I have had helping so many people to achieve their best health for themselves – be what finally helps you to reach your health potential. Make this your own. My goal is to work with you to create a program specifically for YOU and your life.
Isn’t plant based eating expensive?
Truly whole food plant based eating is quite inexpensive when compared to the SAD (Standard American Diet). Think spinach, rice, beans, apples, carrots, etc. Where we run into trouble is the processed “plant food” arena. Plant based eating is very customizable to your needs. Let me help you figure that out for YOUR specific situation.
Does it mean I have to give up my __________ (insert favorite food)?
Absolutely not. Going 100% plant based is not required. We work with you and your individual health goals, needs, challenges, strengths, etc. The most important thing is that you cannot make good decisions without good information. Loaded up with the latest evidence based nutrition and other wellness knowledge, you can find a path that works best for YOU.
What do I do if I have terrible cravings?
Because of the way our food is processed, it can hijack our healthy intuition and habits. It’s important to discover which “foods” are the worst culprits and to find YOUR trigger foods. There are many tools and strategies to help us move through these times and come out better on the other side.
I am a terrible self-sabotager, how do I overcome that?
Health and wellness begins with mindset. I know that is a bit of an overused term these days, but the basic fact is that the body follows the brain. There are many strategies to overcome us getting in our own way. Let me show you!
I don’t know if I can do this, how can you help someone like me?
I love a challenge. If you have what you would consider a particularly tricky situation, let me at it. I love to solve a puzzle and coming up with ideas is one of my favorite things to do. There is always a way if you are willing. I am here to help. You do not have to do this alone.